Mark Sheehan

Results 5 issues of Mark Sheehan

Using globals and then having if AWS_CHALICE_CLI_MODE to check whether we should connect to our database or not feels hacky. It would be very nice to have an on startup...

This adds aws authentication to mongo engine The ```and ("authmechanismproperties" not in conn_settings.keys())``` line is added to stop the mongoengine from attempting to reconnect the database upon calling it the...

It is specified in the documentation to use pip3 install "marshmallow-dataclass[enum,union]" However whenever an enum field is used with the dataclass I'm getting a ['Enum name must be string'] error....

Lambdas support using poetry in the cdk now. It would be really nice if the chalice cdk deployment had a way of allowing this too. Would this involve an...

I have some large files in .txt format whenever I try and stage them they automatically load a preview of the file, which is massive and causes gitx to crash,...