Matheus Cruz
Matheus Cruz
Fixes #1288
Actually to solve the issue on, we need to provide a way to use prefix on `io.dekorate.kubernetes.config.EnvBuilder`.
Actually (the first wiremock implementation), when we are generating wiremock stubs from OpenAPI specification, we are not getting nested components: ```json "Pet": { "required": [ "name", "photoUrls" ], "type": "object",...
Currently, we're retrieving the mocked response based on the lowest status code. We need to provide a mechanism to select the appropriate response when there are multiple responses for the...
We need a initial module to start the development, the development module will have initial Wiremock generator features.
_Originally posted by @mcruzdev in - [ ] #649 - [x] #703 - [x] #704
Many thanks for submitting your Pull Request :heart:! Please make sure that your PR meets the following requirements: - [x] You have read the [contributors guide]( - [x] Your code...
I use the `quarkus-openapi-generator` in a Keycloak extension. Currently, it is not possible to include the `quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson` dependency without resulting in conflicts. So, I set this dependency to `provided` and...
Actually the Dev Services for Dapr uses by default the application port 8080, to the test work correctly, we need to add `quarkus.http.test-port=8080` configuration to works well. Would be great...
Error: ```shell ERROR [] (executor-thread-1) HTTP Request to //events failed ```