Michael Crumm
Michael Crumm
I just released v0.4.0 on hex :) https://hex.pm/packages/briefly/0.4.0
v0.1.1 has been released :)
It's the first thing on my list after the holiday! :)
It's worth a shot! Upstream I'd like to see more runtime config for the Tesla client. That's probably 90% of the difficulty right now.
Ah, yes - and the Google API issue is still open: https://github.com/googleapis/elixir-google-api/issues/98 :-) The Tesla version in latest is relatively up-to-date (v1.2); the problem right now is clients `use GoogleApi.Gax.Connection`,...
@wojtekmach We could get more specific and pattern match on the message attributes but I am not sure there is much virtue in it. What do you think?