Mikhail Rakhmanov
Mikhail Rakhmanov
@extrawurst Hi! I guess we can try just calling `gpg` using `Command::new("gpg")`, pass the signature as a parameter like `gpg --sign --default-key [SIGNATURE]` and then pass the commit buffer inside...
Started working on the ticket
Пока понсомайзер работает следующим образом: Он смотрит ManagedObject, находит в нем обратную ссылку на себя в связанных объектах (название свойства), рекурсивно обходит связанные объекты, игнорируя свойства, которые он уже запомнил....
> What if there's a new API call so Device A can explicitly tell go-threads that this is the log head so the data structure gets set properly? Far from...
Do you think it makes sense for me to draft some proposal, so we would look at it on Thursday? And maybe you would already give me some comments
I reference the PR here (https://github.com/textileio/go-threads/pull/531), it is not finished and a lot of the stuff there is not final. The only thing which is implemented is the get records...
So here are some things to note: - I still need to update `AddHeads` method which should be easy. Though I see that we don't use multihead logs anywhere. Is...