Marc Cornellà

Results 66 comments of Marc Cornellà

According to [this release of git 2.6](, you should be able to ignore certain fsck errors with `git config --global fsck. ignore`, where _msg-id_ would be `zeroPaddedFilemode` in this case....

Thanks! That's exactly it, it seems the setting is not implemented on `fetch.fsck.*`. Direct link:

I forgot to add that this does not happen if completions are loaded using `eval`, since that automatically adds the function definition. The downside is that you still need to...

This is a big breaking change. I need more time to think of alternatives.

This only happens in my testing when you select a file. If you select a directory, the behavior is not adding a space. I'll see if there's a zsh option...

OMZ does not use `compadd` to change the z completion. It doesn't do anything extra apart from calling `compinit`. When that is done in a non-OMZ shell with zsh 5.9,...

Have you checked whether disabling OMZ and sourcing the `zsh-autosuggestions` plugin manually gets you the same issue? Have you tried also disabling the `zsh-syntax-highlighting` plugin?

Where does the completion script come from?

> * install zsh > * run `sudo apt install ` -> auto complete works just find What suggestions do you get here? I presume you should only get files...

Can you capture a trace of the completion process for zsh-only and with OMZ? You can do that by typing the command (`sudo apt install `), then pressing CTRL+X ?....