Chris McKay
Chris McKay
For Google Authenticator: Viewing the App on android wear shows you the OTP for an account. You can also swipe through each account to see other OTP's, or "open on...
Same exact issue on my RPI3. Update to 8.4 failed requiring a clean install. I'm on install attempt number 5 now with the same exact results. Unhealthy System: setup.
I got my pi up and running, but I'm running OS 8.0. I had to restore it, and with great pains. For some reason even after a fresh install, eth0...
> This sounds an aweful lot like #3676, but this is in Supervisor since quite while. But you do have the latest Supervisor version (check About)? I'm on Home assistant...
Thanks, I actually figured it out lastnight while grilling stakess. you need the temp and the high temp in order to display the actual temp. Set my grill to 425...
I started working on one for NodeJS that I ran on an RPI2. That was a long time ago and I have since moved which means I don't have an...