Mehmet Can Karagöz
Mehmet Can Karagöz
> Also probably needs tests. Can I just be clear these parameters can all coexist? ShowOnFocus in combination with ShowOnHover is good for accessibility for example with keyboard users without...
> >In current situation, tooltip already works on hover and on focus, but there is no click option to show/hide. The new one doesn't have breaking changes, it has hover...
@henon sorry, didn't see the mikes's message on upper, changed names and docs, removed enum, add a click test. And other hover and focus events tests work.
Now MudSelectExtended is released. It should fix your issue. Ready on Nuget: Try online:
Hmm, if it's only about alphabetical order, that would be true. While adding the new component, I thought the alphabetical order in main css file was wrong.
> @mckaragoz what do you think? @henon yes we still have bug about that. It look like the fix only fixes that stop bubbling to behind components. Example if we...
Blazor's virtualization should have problems, everytime a user wants to use it, they have issues.
> Confirm the issue is still there. In my case, sometimes I also experience flashing of the Grid's content. Virtualize does not completely support flexbox, it's a blazor design for...
Yes its too big for mobile screens. We should think about that.
You can change z-index in theme properties for a global effect