Mehmet Can Karagöz

Results 88 comments of Mehmet Can Karagöz

Is it server-side or WASM?

Hmm, as a only thinking, maybe you should run this in OnAfterRenderAsync instead of OnInitializedAsync. Because you know some js base codes start to work on OnAfterRender.

> Cannot use `SelectedValues` and `SelectedValuesChanged` together - need it so I can fire events. This is a blazor limitation. You can search for discussions or discord channel, there are...

So here the last news: - [x] Only years which between min and max show - [x] Year navigate button disappear in month view if they not inside min and...

So here is the last news. I think its solid now. This is the last shape of when we reach MaxDate, next button disappears (same for the month view) and...

You need to use `SelectValueOnTab`parameter. And i doesn't see any problem about paste. Could you confirm?