Matthew Kennedy
Matthew Kennedy
ah hah - the problem is that if you invert the trigger, it does NOT invert the trigger stimulator. This only matters on 12-1 if you have "use only rise"...
-2147483647 is an interesting number, aka -2^31+1
> I've just seen proper SD card file names with date on hellen154h are they correct? ie, 1. install battery, connect ECU to rusefi console so it sets time 2....
really? it takes 5 minutes twice, 24 hours apart
@BeerMoneyMotorsports since @rusefillc seems unable, can you give it a try on latest prerelease firmware?
so that's a no, it doesn't work
``` #define STM32_LSE_ENABLED FALSE ``` seems like a smoking gun to me
well, we shouldn't technically need LSE for the rtc to do *something* LSI will still work, if inaccurate. I believe hellen boards have an LSE, though.
rtc survives soft reset (no power cycle) with LSI as-is, need to test with battery
"spool assist" covered by #4316