I confirm the issue. I thought it's related to node version and to unhandled promise rejections: So if you do this, at least the application won't crash. process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason,...
I can answer this question, since we have the same problem. We are using a staging and a production environment, and we want to have the same version on both,...
Not real numbers, but the fact that Microsoft ASP.NET Core team added this standard recently in core 2.1 brought me to this conclusion: I guess it's tough anyway,...
The mainline spec contains already stuff specific to HTTP, like http.method, http.status_code, http.url, so why not extend it? It doesn't have to be a complete error specification for all protocols,...
From the RFC: 3.1. Members of a Problem Details Object A problem details object can have the following members: - "type" (string) - A URI reference that identifies the problem...