Michael Hoy

Results 8 comments of Michael Hoy

Hi, I just spent a few hours debugging an issue where instead of: ``` await trio.sleep_until(x) ``` I had typed: ``` await trio.move_on_after(x) ``` And this was causing some phantom...

With `RUST_LOG=trace`: ``` RUST_LOG=trace WINIT_UNIX_BACKEND=x11 rerun 2023-02-16T08:01:42.464579Z INFO re_sdk_comms::server: Hosting a SDK server over TCP at Connect with the Rerun logging SDK. 2023-02-16T08:01:42.464659Z DEBUG eframe: Using the wgpu renderer...

Also note I currently use https://github.com/sebcrozet/kiss3d with the same setup and it works fine

Erm some other error now .. also I forgot to note that I am in a docker container. Git commit 6c2b291280676cfae2b6f1ff523753243d314cea ``` /home/michael/rerun/crates/rerun$ cargo --version cargo 1.67.1 (8ecd4f20a 2023-01-10) /home/michael/rerun/crates/rerun$...

Previously I couldn't build from the workspace root as the web viewer crate didn't compile (maybe because there is no browser available or something) Anyway now it works :) ```...

BTW the error when building the workspace root instead of `crates/rerun` is: ``` Build web viewer wasm… wasm build cmd: "cargo" "build" "--target-dir" "/host/mnt/data_1/michael/rerun/target_wasm" "-p" "re_viewer" "--lib" "--target" "wasm32-unknown-unknown" Compiling...

BTW this is the GDB backtrace ``` Thread 1 "rerun" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007fffbcbc8734 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvulkan_lvp.so (gdb) (gdb) (gdb) bt #0 0x00007fffbcbc8734 in () at...

This is for 96437ee8979a2b629526875b515684bebb2e69c6