hi @sureshdagooglecom , Glad to receive your reply! I want to do this : (1) First, I have a model of human pose estimation, eg. https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/open_model_zoo/tree/master/models/public/human-pose-estimation-3d-0001 or https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Human-Pose-Estimation. (2) And...
hi @sureshdagooglecom, can you give me some advice? Thanks!
hi @guker and @sureshdagooglecom , Thank you very much for your answers. Is there any way that I can get a similar model?
hi @kuaashish, @sureshdagooglecom , Can you give me some advices?
> length hi @hongsiyu , can you tell me how to use ROMP to obtain "3x3" cam_intrinsics and "4x4" cam_extrinsics, thanks.
hi @Dipankar1997161 , I encountered the same confusion. Can you provide a detailed description of how you did it? Can you provide some reference codes? Thanks.
hi @Dipankar1997161 , Thank you for your reply. I have resolved this issue. Thank you again.
hi @geaxgx ,I set lm_landmarks set to "world_ 3d"(shape : 1x117) instead of "ld_ 3d"(1x195),and reshape it to (-1, 3). So I got the shape of lm_raw is (39, 3)....