Results 5 issues of MCF

I have this in the alert rules: ``` - alert: DiskDevice expr: node_disk_device_size_used_perc > 60 for: 1m labels: severity: "warning" annotations: description: "Disk device {{ $labels.device }} on {{ $labels.instance... ``` bsc@a8:~$ bsc@a8:~$ go version go version go1.19.1 linux/amd64 bsc@a8:~$ bsc@a8:~$ bsc@a8:~$ git clone Cloning into 'bsc'... remote: Enumerating objects: 100766, done. remote: Total 100766 (delta 0), reused...


SystemProgram CreateAccountWithSeed instruction was failing sometimes, because seed too long. Here ./sdk/src/ which is used here ./runtime/src/ Javascript func doesn't care about seed length So you think it's good,...

Listing all allowlists looks correct... picking a random validator and grepping out their allows here: ``` $ wormchaind query wormhole list-allowlists | grep -B2 wormhole1eg9kajxr5x25h0t94570mn79j3a00emphnwt3p - allowed_address: wormhole1jyxc28f8m0h7uz5zwqxc0s6p5za7eu30xnrmq8 name: ChainodeRelay...


Hi - are you in the discord? drop me a DM smith | MCF