Matěj Cepl

Results 503 comments of Matěj Cepl

Eagle has already landed. ;)

``` Chyba při zpracování function remote#define#request: řádek 2: Error invoking '/home/matej/.vim/pack/modules/start/nvimfs/rplugin/python3/nvimfs:autocmd:VimEnter:*' on channel 4 (python3-rplugin-host): error caught in request handler '/home/matej/.vim/pack/modules/start/nvimfs/rplugin/python3/nvimfs:autocmd:VimEnter:* []': FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory...

Everything is commented out: ``` stitny~/.c/n/plugin (master *)$ rg -v -- '--' plugins.lua 2: 4:vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]] 5: 6:return require('packer').startup(function(use) 8: use {'wbthomason/packer.nvim'} 24: use {'glacambre/firenvim'} 88:end) stitny~/.c/n/plugin (master *)$...

> This usually happens when you don't interact with a Firenvim frame for some time (not sure how long though). Yes, quite often when I write a comment on some...

I wonder whether the cure is not worse than a sickness here. It seems that instead of random messages I get periodically all text lost (without storing it in undo-list,...


Just going to file request for removal of fslint from openSUSE/Factory.

> Out of curiosity, what are you using Combi for? It never really got popular like I hoped it would get. It is part of openSUSE Linux distribution, >...

OK, so just because I did the work: * [denose-clear-trailing-space.patch]( just NOOP patch removing trailing whitespace * [denose.patch]( actually removing the need of nose We will probably eventually remove the...

I don't **need** to (we can happily live with those patches in our package), but it would be nice for others.