Annaliese McDermond
Annaliese McDermond
The assertion is only enabled when wxWidgets is compiled with DEBUG enabled. It doesn't mean that the error isn't happening, it just means that the assertion isn't firing. This is...
I see where the issue is here and have a path forward to fix it. I'll see if I can commit some code within the next couple of days to...
If you are referring to the DL5DI packages, those are nearly a year old. There were some changes last December to compile everything with wxWidgets 3.0, which will solve this...
It should just come up with a ./configure and make. I build RPi packages off of that consistently. It appears as though your errors are resulting from not having the...
Cannot reproduce. I compiled this 10 minutes ago on Yakkety: ``` mcdermj@commune:~/test$ git clone Cloning into 'OpenDV'... remote: Counting objects: 6093, done. remote: Total 6093 (delta 0), reused 0...
I looked at this and though about it a bit more. There's no reason that the GUICommon stuff should be compiling for a --without-gui build. I changed around the
> On Mar 9, 2017, at 8:57 AM, ddclarknm wrote: > > I have successfully compiled ircddbgateway on my Raspberry pi 3 running Raspian jessie. It also installs and runs....
The individual file sysfs interface has been deprecated for some time now. You are supposed to use libgpiod: It's actually a much better interface in my opinion.
Note that many pins also have names, and you can find the pins by their name instead of worrying what chip they’re on. The pin names are defined in the...
Is wxWidgets installed? The program still requires wxwidgets-base to function because there are threading, string handling and other functions that it uses.