Mike Dallas

Results 28 comments of Mike Dallas

hey @xuewei4d could you provide a source for this formula? From a quick search online looks like the current implementation is correct [source](https://books.google.nl/books?id=TCCQDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA203&lpg=PA203&dq=%22f+prime%22+implied+volatility&source=bl&ots=yupuitIDK7&sig=ACfU3U3xSqm5sUQ9KHybbKOGrw1wY3C6CA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0oa2l2cfrAhWrMewKHbLyCGIQ6AEwBXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22f%20prime%22%20implied%20volatility&f=false)

You might need to update to the latest version, see https://github.com/mcdallas/wallstreet/issues/36

using the yahoo ticker seems to work `Stock('GBPEUR=X').price`

Nothing changed in the library, could you check if the company you are interested in appears in Google Finance? If not you can try to pass the source='yahoo' parameter to...

So apparently the endpoint we've been using has been discontinued. I made a change to use the one @plucena24 suggested.

@rsmileyc try `pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/mcdallas/wallstreet.git`

This seems like a good place to start https://github.com/TheBlueMatt/mining-proxy . It's a rust implementation by the author

> Do we have some other ideas? In Bitcoin you keep a [banscore](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/c83442e17412b96f00bc29d30763b28184c95f1e/src/net_processing.cpp#L943) for each of your peers which you increase if they do stuff like: - Sending invalid blocks...

My guess is that this endpoint has been removed because I can't find any pages on stats.nba.com that lead to it. Maybe it was replaced with ShotChart ?

Hmm I guess you could try removing the `for` loop in `cryptotools/__init__.py` and manually populating `__all__` from all the submodules