Michael C. Cambria
Michael C. Cambria
Needs rebase
Have you tested your changes with `cnitool` or something similar using currently shipping plugins? I checked out this PR and tried a quick test (emphasis on quick) pointing plugins to...
Technically yes. But are you sure you want to? 1/ You would need to create a cni config file which uses the bridge plugin ``` "type": bridge``` and set ```"bridge":...
From CNI point of view, Linux itself should route from one subnet to another, unless firewall or something else (k8s?) gets in the way or disables it. Inside the container,...
> I think it'd be good if the CNI spec could address this somehow. The user of CNI could easily specify where their configuration files are located at by setting...
I'm having trouble understanding what is going on. What addresses live where?
Omitting `portmap` sounds right. It probably depends on what the main plugin is. If `bridge` you probably want to turn off things like: ``` "isDefaultGateway": false, "ipMasq": false, "hairpinMode": false,...
Can't you just leave IPAM plugin out?
When the dust settles we need to be able to have a k8s pod do the equivalent of what docker/podman can do today. (Apologies for those on the calls who...
There is only one conflist allowed per cniADD