mccraigmccraig of the clan mccraig

Results 8 issues of mccraigmccraig of the clan mccraig

after a release is pushed to clojars the cljdoc docs need to be generated for every module and the top-level, in order for the API docs to be complete since...

i concatenated vectors from a stream using `(stream/transform (mapcat identity) s)` this seemed to cause a leak as described here: investigation showed lots of our `EntityInstance` records from db...

cant replicate

i wanted to have a bunch of sources all transitively close automatically when their ultimate sink was closed as it stands `:upstream? true` only seems to work on upstream sources...

i came across this while debugging another problem ``` (defn chain-delay-deferred [n t] (let [f (manifold.deferred/deferred)] (future (Thread/sleep t) (manifold.deferred/success! f 100)) (reduce (fn [d i] (manifold.deferred/chain d (fn [v]...


the `alet` macro seems to require that variables are referenced in the top-level of binding forms in order to infer dependencies thus when i am calling some functions created with...


throws an Exception if the `encoding` arg given to the arity-2 version of `form-decode-str` is not a `String` value, because a `nil` `encoding` will cause a surprising `{nil nil}` parse...

the `form-decode-str` behaviour of catching any `Exception`, logging nothing and returning `nil` just caused a painful morning, in combination with the 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0 change of not assuming `UTF-8` if...

this permits bursting to start immediately i have an API with constraints - 50 calls per minute 2500 calls per day i've modelled this with a throttle-fn for the per-minute...