Results 38 comments of Matías Cánepa

I need this too. In my case it would be usefull to pass a selector like `$("table tbody tr", some_var_as_context)`

This is the test file... ``` BaseObject.Some.Path.ToClass = {} BaseObject.Some.Path.ALLCAPS = {} BaseObject.Some.Path.ToClass = class extends SomeParentClass { constructor(parameter) { super(); this.param = parameter; var my_var = true; if($(parameter).hasClass("my_class")) {...

This is the test file... ``` BaseObject.Some.Path.ToClass = {} BaseObject.Some.Path.ALLCAPS = {} BaseObject.Some.Path.ToClass = class extends SomeParentClass { constructor(parameter) { super(); this.param = parameter; var my_var = true; if($(parameter).hasClass("my_class")) {...

same problem here! After following [this instructions]( for Ubuntu 21.10 ``` dpkg-deb: error: el archivo `/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-usZM75/102-tableplus_0.1.186_amd64.deb' contiene un miembro de datos` control.tar.zst' ininteligible, abandono dpkg: error al procesar el archivo...

@jboadas thank you for your response. Do you know how to install it on debian?

In addition to package uninstalling, I've also uninstalled and reinstalled atom. Outline still not visible. While installing ide-php I saw the tooltip saying "donwloading" and "unpacking" but then nothing happens.

In case this helps.. I set this: `atom.config.set('core.debugLSP', true) ` Then while de console was active I opened a file and get this ![Captura de pantalla de 2019-06-07 21-43-55](

I think I know what is the problem. I was also having some difficulties to save a file, either it took to long or the file was't saved at all....

just upgraded ide-php to 0.17.18 and atom to 1.34.0 and still not working on windows 10 x64

I also have the exact same atom and packages installed on a windows 7 x64 and everything is working fine there...