Expanded configuration to include manual workaround to IMU misaddressing & calibration bug. Adjusted structure to improve overall information flow.
# You can use milestones to track progress on groups of issues or pull requests in a repository. https://docs.github.com/en/issues/using-labels-and-milestones-to-track-work/about-milestones?apiVersion=2022-11-28 How to create a milestone? https://docs.github.com/en/issues/using-labels-and-milestones-to-track-work/creating-and-editing-milestones-for-issues-and-pull-requests Next to the search field,...
This is a very affordable gas sensor but a pain to work with. Using this board for building the support package, and it features both the ENS160 (gas; driver target)...
[TF Lite Micro (link - supported platforms)](https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/microcontrollers#supported_platforms) makes local node ML inferencing possible, enabling powerful example applications like: - [Keyword Spotting (link - 'hotword' tutorial)](https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/sparkfun-tensorflow/#0), - Magic Wand (imu gesture...
M5 driver support is a thing now but its not referenced in command.rst yet and would be nice to have it.
With **GitHub Actions**, we add more flexibility to create workflows that meet more advanced project needs. We can automate various processes and integrate with other GitHub features to streamline project...
### IDEA: use NodeRED w/ ollama... and build an IoT assistant ## minimally require **3** components in the flow: something to handle speech to text (STT), another thing for text...