Matthew Buscemi

Results 11 comments of Matthew Buscemi

Probably has to do with the fact that I'm searching for Elm files using synchronous file system commands. I'll have to explore the implications of doing that asynchronously. Also, I'm...

It is important to keep in mind the difference between function references, type references, and value constructor references (these are a kind of function, but please read on to see...

I had added editor abstraction to the roadmap here: I would like to avoid abstraction work at this stage because of the well-known software development problem of premature optimization....

Elm 0.19 will provide facilities in `elm-package.json` to differentiate library from application projects. However, I believe I can achieve this goal now. In Elm 0.18, we already have the `exposed-modules`...

Your view modules need not depend on your Model type (or your Message type, either).

Personally, I have found the strictness of this check to be beneficial to my Elm projects. There have been instances where I have questioned the rules validity, but in every...

I am interested in communicating with a Snowflake database from a Rust application. I'm curious what the status of this effort is.

It's unclear to me from the docs how to use custom matcher, particularly the any() matcher. I have the following method: `db_service.table.insert(itemA: &String, itemB: &String, itemC: &String)` I care about...

Ah. I was scouring the [Matcher]( page and all its structs, traits, and functions. I think a mention on any one of them that the when macro encodes them differently...

I use the second example in the "debatable winners" section quite frequently. It often looks better to use the operator instead of the parentheses. Perhaps the rule could be that...