Hi, http://www.canariproject.com/en/latest/canari.maltego.entities.html?highlight=hash The hash parent entity is Canari is missing the "Hash Type" field which is in Maltego. It would be useful to add this to Canari so users can...
Hi, Would be good if the Go elasticsearch client had a helper function to bulk index to Logstash. Logstash can handle all the complex logic like clean shutdown, buffering etc....
Hi, My code receives messages from an AWS SQS queue but not locally with goaws. Is this a bug? ``` sess, _ := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{ Region: aws.String("eu-west-2"), Endpoint: aws.String("http://localhost:4100"), }, )...
Hi, We've had several severe outages over the last 6 months due to Logstash getting stuck in an infinite retry loop writing to TSDS. This is because TSDS have start...
Hi, With most data moving to data_stream.dataset, please can you add data_stream.dataset to the security alert mapping? Also copy the data_stream.dataset from the parent event when it exists. event.dataset doesn't...
Hi, Any idea when TTL will be supported with the async client? "The ttl option is not yet supported on an asynchronous Logstash client (one with the pipelining option set)"...
Hi, Which SQL table stores the domain names in WHOIS_MIRROR_RIPE_GRS ? https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/whois/blob/master/whois-commons/src/main/resources/whois_schema.sql I've queried domain but it only stores: 754776 | 177.109.91.in-addr.arpa I want direct access to the domains like...