Missing else clause. See: https://github.com/9fans/plan9port/blob/master/src/lib9/convM2S.c#L106-L122 Fixes issue #8. Functionally, this is very similar to the fix @mischief pushed in: https://github.com/lionkov/go9p/commit/11a63487351273ae0c2e0be51ef6331cda11dc81
I'm not sure if this is a bug. But the behavior surprised me, and it means I can't use srv_fcall.go with the 9p that comes with Plan 9 from Userspace....
`trap "rm -f $TMPF" EXIT` ?
Make console launcher --classpath argument parser work like java's when referring to a jar directory
The junit-platform-console-standalone --classpath option requires you to list all the jars in a directory; for example, `-cp "testlib/mockito-core-4.1.0.jar:testlib/byte-buddy-1.12.3.jar:testlib/byte-buddy-agent-1.12.3.jar:testlib/objenesis-3.2.jar:classes`. This is different than Java's --classpath, which supports the more compact `-cp...
``` Marks-MBP-3:shmig mark$ ./shmig -c test /bin/test: line 1: ????: command not found Usage: shmig [options] [arguments...] Common options: -d -t [mysql|postgresql|sqlite3] -h and action is one of create, up,...
Forks keep replacing the weird way I create temp files with `mktemp`. Originally, @naquad used pipes, which are generally a better solution than temp files. I switched to temp files...
```shmig: () is not available``` is not super helpful.
Bash doesn't come on Alpine by default, so: ``` bbox:~/src/shmig$ ./shmig -h -ash: ./shmig: not found ``` Tried changing shebang to `#!/bin/sh`, but that failed with: ``` ./shmig: line 169:...
**Quick Summary:** Well-behaved Unix programs won't print Ansi escape sequences if TERM=dumb ## SSCCE ``` % set|egrep 'NO_COLOR|TERM=' NO_COLOR=1 TERM=dumb % elm Hi, thank you for trying out [92mElm[0m [92m0.19.1[0m....
The first markup, with srcset, renders the image with a width of 860.45px. The second markup, with the srcset attribute removed, renders the image with a width of 1045px, which...