Michael Brumlow
Michael Brumlow
#274 might start getting this going. With #274 vterm now tracks where the "fake" newlines are inserted. This might help with re-flowing, but for sure will help when killing text.
Only now do I find the (setq x-underline-at-descent-line t) setting..
Well I don't feel totally horrible because that setting does not fix it well enough. Headers did not draw a continuous line on the package list. So I still think...
I did find the double/triple border issue, and was hopping the box primitive worked like a css box or something, but nope. My solution was to make the border 1px...
Yes yes it does. On Mon, Nov 9, 2015, 10:17 AM Depado [email protected] wrote: > Wait... Does it throw darts now ? :D > > — > Reply to this...
I am running with this patch and it allows me to add hide cursor back in without having any of the negative side effects. I think upstream would take this...