Michael Bargury

Results 8 issues of Michael Bargury

Hi, This project is awesome! I've created a [port to Python>=3.6](https://github.com/mibarg/py-hyperminhash), it's currently pretty naive (in terms of Python syntax) but it gets the job done and I plan to...

- Cloud setup - Command execution - Infect victim machine


Set up an operation to replace victim machine connection reference so payloads can be sent to different machines


Prereqs: msft tenant available. Script to replace manual set up specified here https://github.com/mbrg/power-pwn/blob/main/docs/cloud_setup.md


```cmd C:\...\Python\Python39\python39.exe C:/.../power-pwn/src/powerpwn/main.py recon --gui -t Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\...\power-pwn\src\powerpwn\main.py", line 7, in from powerpwn.cli.runners import ( File "C:\...\power-pwn\src\powerpwn\cli\runners.py", line 9, in from powerpwn.nocodemalware.malware_runner import MalwareRunner File...


Running `powerpwn recon` I'm able to fetch info from a bunch of environments. When going thru one particular environment I get this error: ``` 2023-09-07 16:05:28 | powerpwn | INFO...


## Context The language of OWASP documents speaks to security, operations, IT and engineering professionals. The introduction of low-code/no-code has lowered the bar to become a digital builder. This is...

help wanted

## Context Low-Code/No-Code [can mean many different things](https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2022-12-13-gartner-forecasts-worldwide-low-code-development-technologies-market-to-grow-20-percent-in-2023). Tools can differ in technology, users, developers, use cases and more. For example, Low-Code Application Platforms (LCAP) is used to build web...

help wanted