
Results 11 issues of M3

documentation for [1.78](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_78_0/libs/geometry/doc/html/geometry/reference/concepts/concept_polygon.html) says that template traits::ring_type should be specified, but there is no traits::ring_type template. VS2022 shows the error > error C2039: 'ring_type': is not a member of 'boost::geometry::traits'...


Sorry If I missed this in the documentation. I've been searching for a while, but I don't see it. I have been using code similar to that shown below for...


Code something like this (not actual tested code), fails assertion because weapons is empty. ``` const UnitTypes& data = client->getObservation()->GetUnitTypeData(); assert(!data[UnitTypeID(UNIT_TYPEID::TERRAN_BATTLECRUISER)].weapons.empty()); ``` This was called in OnGameStart(). Many other units...

SC2 now has 1-bit-per pixel imagedata for pathable_grid and placement_grid. `SampleImageData` needs to detect this and parse the image correctly. I don't know how to do a pull-request, but I...

pseudo code to reproduce: const UnitTypes &data = iObs->GetUnitTypeData(); assert(data[UnitTypeID(TERRAN_ORBITALCOMMAND)].mineral_costs == 150) I think Planetary is also incorrect.

The SCV with orders to build a supply depot will go about building the depot through completion, but the orders list will show the progress as zero the whole time....

Sorry I'm posting here, but I did see others post other requests for help here. Let me know if that is bad form. I'm trying to learn Mamba, starting with...

The following code seems to have a bug in that it reshapes a matrix in an apparent attempt to transpose: ``` function embedding(embedding_matrix, x) # inefficient code: temp = embedding_matrix[:,...

I first noticed this problem with Flux 0.8.2, but it may have existed in earlier versions. ``` using Flux tracked_array = Flux.param(Flux.glorot_uniform(10,3)); # tracked array of reals Flux.softmax(tracked_array) # all...

Most units that die cause sc2_api to issue an OnUnitDestroyed event, but I noticed that some of my own units hadn't been seen for many game frames. This should not...
