Manuel Belem Neto
Manuel Belem Neto
This problem occurs on configuration of the eclipse, see that post, but i dont use eclipse. I'm try run this script: require 'maven/ruby/maven' mvn = mvn.verbose = true...
which version of ruby-maven are you using ? - Ruby Maven just two observations: remove the mvn.debug line in your script. - Done there is a space in path...
is javac.exe on your PATH variable ? I dont understand this question. On local maven, my Java home is that: Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\jre. Is possible change on ruby-maven? you...
Use `'maven.compiler.fork', true)` works. Build Sucess, thanks :) :+1:
I'm investigate more and return later. Please dont close this issue.
The problem occurs because my machine has a incorret JRE installed. The problem to build my application occurs at this line on ruby maven: Java home: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7 On...