Michael B Kuhn
Michael B Kuhn
@gdeskos @mchurchf I'd love your input on what things are supposed to look like regarding point 2. above.
This is great, @tonyinme, thanks for chiming in! I think that this PR addresses point 1 from Gen's request. However, I would think in a simulation where the target velocity...
@lawrenceccheung, thanks for the input. I noticed that there's no reg test for the height-varying body force; do you know of any one using that capability? I know that the...
I think it would be great to be able to save time- and space-varying forcing data to reapply in an inflow-outflow sim. However, I think that is beyond the scope...
@jrood-nrel @psakievich
converted this back to a draft because the commit of 2.1 might change soon
@psakievich I just changed the commit associated with v2.1.0. If you approve it, could you merge it as well? I don't have merge permissions.
Just getting this out there for now, but it does need unit tests and documentation
Should this PR also include a forcing timetable output from Geostrophic Forcing? I know that some ABL precursors use Geostrophic Forcing instead of ABL Forcing.
I added the same text file output for Geostrophic Forcing, but it looks like it doesn't need that. Unlike ABL forcing, Geostrophic Forcing should be reproducible in an inflow-outflow sim...