
Results 9 issues of mbeltagy

```julia using PyCall flm = pyimport("folium") # Python package that could be installed through something like `python3 -m pip install folium ` m = flm.Map(location=[40.761405212565364, -73.98312095111525], zoom_start=16) data = m._to_png(5)...

It was not working... @metanoid and I fixed it.

The language has expanded considerably this file was constructed... also lots of things have disappeared, like `cell` etc. This was constructed by invoking: ```julia julia> [names(Core);names(Base)] .|> String |> x->filter(z->occursin(r"^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]+",z),x)...

The old example was not working, had loads of errors. With those fixes, it works well on the latest Plots.jl

Please see https://github.com/JuliaOpt/JuMP.jl/issues/1071

I finally got OpenCV.jl to work on my ubuntu 14.04. In the example on **Getting and setting selected pixel values** using _method 1_, I get the following I run `pixset`....

We get 404 errors now.

On Julia 0.5, I encountered the following strange behavior. ``` julia addprocs(4) function adder_gen(n) function add(x) x+n end end f_closure=adder_gen(5) fetch(@spawn f_closure(5)) ``` Normally, I would expect the last line...