Moisés Belchín
Moisés Belchín
tldjs.getDomain('') returns ''
Hi, I'm just testing this library and I'm surprised by this results: tldjs.getDomain('') returns '' Shouldn't return `` instead ? tldjs.getSubdomain('') returns '' Shouldn't return `acc1sub1-dot-moisestest` instead ? Thanks in...
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is an issue or just a question, anyway I'm gonna expose my case here to see if someone may shed some light on...
Hi team, this is a question but also a feature request. Is there any ubuntu template we can use with CSE that support LVM ? This is our case: On...
Is there any plan about being able to create cluster with multiple master nodes ? Thanks in advance.
Right now, when you create a new node, CSE picks a random node name, would be great to be able to define the name for the node on creation
I just noticed that iPads Pro are not detected as tablets. Here an example of an iPad Pro user agent string: ``` Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15...
According to HTMLFormElement.submit() is not yet supported. Would be great to add support for that, this way we could do things like: ``` window.setInterval( () => { document.getElementyById('my-form').submit(); },...
I would like to do a suggestion for abstract class Store, it has .keys() and .values() methods to retrieve keys and values, what about if you want to retrieve both...