Matthias Bechtold
Matthias Bechtold
Hi! I am currently working on a little project, which is (yet another) todo list, that can be maintained in the local filesystem or in a private GitHub gist. Recently,...
removed the unnecessary " ? : ", that could cause single module project builds to fail.
It would be nice to be able to use this library with Java 14 records, for example: ```java public record LineRecord( @FixedField(offset = 1, length = 42) String firstStr, @FixedField(offset...
We were trying to use the [mq-container]( with Spring Boot 3.x Testcontainers with `@ServiceConnection` similar to what you can do with a PostgreSQL container: ```java @TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) public class...
Hi we noticed the following log statement when a message is deadlettered: ``` Adding dead letter with message id [ebb06fa9-4627-411e-a0de-31653caecf60] because [{}]. org.axonframework.messaging.deadletter.ThrowableCause: One or more JSR303 constraints were violated:...
I was wondering how to write a polymorphic parser for JSON CloudEvents, where the payload can be one of many types. Normally, with plain Jackson one can do something like...