Michael Crawford
Michael Crawford
For anyone else dealing with this issue here's the upgrade of the gist @tystol posted for the newest version of RazorEngine https://gist.github.com/mbcrawfo/2269f5a1a402792ff2d8
Looks like the problem is happening on [line 219](https://github.com/mbcrawfo/GenericMakefile/blob/d1ea11252105597156fb5aaecf687391475c2ca1/c/Makefile#L219). That line is intended to add a rule for every file that's part of your project, but when you try to...
Hi @marespiaut, glad you have found this to be useful! I don't have a good setup to test this at the moment, but I believe it should be a fairly...
I am encountering this problem as well. It seems like the editor fails to load correctly when it opens in a new VS Code window. My sequence.editor command was `code...
I think a relevant discussion would be: what is the intended purpose of the prefix? Is it merely a tag to differentiate id's for different types? Is it meant to...
@SimonCropp the test project fails to build because "markdownsnippets" returns errors about the readme containing invalid words "you" and "your". I've searched the documentation in this project and looked at...