I have been doing some experimenting with this... I have changed my custom present 3-4 times and removed the docker and reloaded but I still always get 1280X1084 I have...
Hi, I get the same issue on all files I have tried. I am using my custom preset (in the log you can see it is called myhd720P The Sound...
Hopefully this may be of help... it is a folder containing 2 encodes of the same file, one was done via the GUI and the other via the Watch Folder,...
I am using the latest as I just followed this instructions on this page, how do I specify a version?
Hi, I removed the old image and reloaded with 1.11.2 but now I get 1280X720??? I have uploaded the conversion log into the onedrive folder (https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjnJhtmhYMJlhqYt1WhXLwAZCQT5Rg) and also a screenshot...
Hi, the video results are in the onedrive folder I shared, you will see it is distorted using my custom preset myhd720p but only when using the watch folder, the...
My apologies, I have now added myhd720p custom preset result & the veryfast720p30 result to onedrive..
Again! Apologies! I accidentally uploaded the source.. the encode is there now :-)
Hi, Sorry for my delay too I have been unwell.. The difference between veryfast720p30 and my own is that on my preset Anamorphic is disabled on my preset and enabled...
Hi, All uploaded, if you load the file segment into the GUI using my preset you will see that handbrake automatically chooses 1280X534 which is what I am trying to...