Mayank Shukla
Mayank Shukla
@christian-bromann I'll be picking this up!!
I tried with the above mentioned code and it is working fine for me. Although I'm getting below info message: ``` using: 'xpath', [0-0] value: './option[. = "125"]|./option[normalize-space(text()) = "125"]|./optgroup/option[....
Could you please share the capabilities and WebdriverIO version that you are using?
@christian-bromann Can we close this issue now?
> @keeganwitt @mattphillips thoughts? @keeganwitt @mattphillips Could you please provide your input?
@mattphillips Thank you for the detailed review. I have made the changes. Please review again.
Hello @keeganwitt @mattphillips, Could you please review this again? Thanks!
@mattphillips @keeganwitt I have resolved the conflicts. Please have a look again.
`wdio-image-comparison-service` by default saves the baseline image in `./.tmp/actual`. If you remove ` baselineFolder: join(process.cwd(), './tests/Baseline/')` from `wdio.conf.js` file and update `it` block of image comparison as mentioned below ```...
@wswebcreation Any update on this?