I'm getting this error ```'@awesome-cordova-plugins/app-minimize@*' is not in this registry``` in latest version of ionic and unable to install this package.
My code: ``` this.screenShot.URI(80) .then(ev => console.log('ss success: ', ev)) .catch(err => console.log('ss error: ', err)); ``` When this code is executed, I'm getting the following error msg: ``` ss...
I want this fingerprint dialog to popup when application resumes (when user press Home button and again reopens the app). But problem is that this plugin also pauses the application...
I want my ad to occupy full width on all devices but don't know how to achieve it with this plugin. I tried to find my solution in documentation as...
I was trying to change the value of ```backgroundColor``` by panning on this color picker. Though the value of ```backgroundColor``` was changing in console but the effect was not seen...
I'm zooming in/out text on canvas. It would be better if I can rotate it by moving two fingers in opposite directions parallelly. Though its not an issue, but I...
Configuration file link in readme is not working. 404 Not found error is coming.
I'm facing a firebase error ```auth/account-exists-with-different-credential``` when I'm trying to sign in an already existing account(with different auth provider) with facebook. I know this question has been asked many times...
My nested tab buttons are routing to parent tab pages. What to do?
I'm using this plugin with ionic capacitor instead of cordova with command ```ionic cap sync```. My code: ``` audioFile: MediaObject; constructor(private media: Media, private plt: Platform, private file: File) {}...