cordova-plugin-media copied to clipboard
Recorded file neither saving nor playing
I'm using this plugin with ionic capacitor instead of cordova with command ionic cap sync
My code:
audioFile: MediaObject;
constructor(private media: Media, private plt: Platform, private file: File) {}
ionViewDidEnter() {
.then(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.audioFile = + 'audiofile.mp3');
this.audioFile.onStatusUpdate.subscribe(status => console.log('status: ', status));
this.audioFile.onSuccess.subscribe(() => console.log('Action is successful'));
this.audioFile.onError.subscribe(error => console.log('Error: ', error));
}, 1000);
.catch(err => console.log('ready error: ', err));
record() {
// When record button clicked
stop() {
// When stop button clicked
When I clicked record, output was: Error: 1
and when I stopped recording than the output was status: 4
and Action is successful
I expected to either play the recording or get audiofile.mp3
in file manager of my android device but I didn't got any of it.
Facing same issue for android 10+ SDK 30. As per doc error:1 refers to MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1
Same on iOS 14 with Ionic Capacitor:
Log just says: Media create INVALID Media startRecordingAudio INVALID Media stopRecordingAudio INVALID
Couldn't catch any other log from exceptions nor catching error promises, so I don't know how to proceed.
Hi guys not sure if this might help the android guys but worked for me
Go into the android project AndroidManifest.xml
Place the following tag: android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"
Like so inside the application tag:
Same situation here. Can't find any more information.
This solution with the "requestLegacyExternalStorage" is soon going to be an issue.
If I understand correctly, our apps won't be able to write to the external directory so easily anymore...
Same issue here in Android API 30.
Any workaround to fix it?
not work for me.
Same issue here in Android API 30.
Any workaround to fix it?
not work for me.Thanks!
Did you find any solution ??
Same issue here in Android API 30. Any workaround to fix it?
not work for me. Thanks!Did you find any solution ??
In my case my app required this feature, so I ended up developing my app with Flutter. You can make yourself an idea on how many time I spent trying to solve this particular problem.
I also don't have any solution unfortunately... I cannot update my Android app right now.
for android instead of this.file.externalRootDirectory try this.file.externalDataDirectory. it works for me. For android and iOS this directory works for me ='ios') ? this.file.dataDirectory : this.file.externalDataDirectory;
in addition to it, before audio recording I am checking audio and storage access permission explicitly.
this.diagnostic.requestMicrophoneAuthorization() and this.diagnostic.requestExternalStorageAuthorization()
see if that works for you too.
In my case my app required this feature, so I ended up developing my app with Flutter. You can make yourself an idea on how many time I spent trying to solve this particular problem.
Nothing works for me.. I Have an app builder, In which 20K apps that depends on this plugin (required this feature)- I don't required to record and play. We use live stream e.g (-[(]) and just want to play this audio stream on button click.. When I click play button, output is: Error: 1
@zubinraja Thanks for you solution but not working for me. Still figure out . @21pg agreed.