
Results 27 issues of Mayank

Hi, I am getting wired error while trying to use next-optimised-images for nextjs12.x and node16.13.0 require() of ES Module (.\node_modules\imagemin-svgo\index.js) from (.\node_modules\next-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js) not supported. Not able to build the project.

I am getting this error when trying to build my next.js project that uses next-optimized-images. How do I fix these errors?

Hi, I realized that screen could only be captured as video and not as animated gif. Thus, I added a new mode. No changes in the options object. Earlier, if...


When I use this lib to add intro and outro with default crossfade, by the end, the center video has a lag in audio about 2-3 sec. Please fix

Please refer to this question.

Hi, I am trying to join 3 videos. It works well for the first and last video but the middle video frame is stuck... Middle video dimension is slightly different...

Here is my setup ```js await{ format: "cjs", target: "es2019", sourcemap: false, bundle: true, minify: true, plugins: [react18Plugin()], entryPoints: await glob("../esbuild-plugin-react18-example/src/**/*.*"), publicPath: "https://my.domain/static/", external: ["react", "react-dom"], outdir: "./dist/default", metafile:...

Fixes #4974 Refractor code to match community standards - [x] Remove unnecessary React.FC syntax - [x] Extract Layout to _app.tsx (No need to add layout on every page) - [x]...

Trying to build throws following error ``` Type error: Cannot find module 'graphql-tag' or its corresponding type declarations. ```