I have submitted a PR to the fork @pid was maintaining to mark it as deprecated. Can you please publish a new version (possibly v3.2.0) of the module I...
Archiver @0.14.4 is bringing in [email protected] which depends on [email protected] There is a known security vulnerability in minimatch
npm install webkit-devtools-agent / > [email protected] install /Users/mgawande/Desktop/src/scratch/node_modules/webkit-devtools-agent/node_modules/ws > (node-gyp rebuild 2> builderror.log) || (exit 0) CXX(target) Release/ > [email protected] install /Users/mgawande/Desktop/src/scratch/node_modules/webkit-devtools-agent > node-gyp rebuild child_process: customFds option is deprecated,...
Added deprecation message in readme so the new versions of murmurhash3js can be published from the original repo: Here is a list of tasks needed to move over the repository...