WeakTable uses java.lang.ref.WeakReference to reference key and value, when java gc occurs, WeakReference data will be released, causing lua data loss. example code: ``` import org.luaj.vm2.LuaString; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaTable; import org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue;...
Hello! I try to start red5 server with hlsapp,But jvm will fatal. My system is os x 10.10 and the jvm version is 1.7.0_45. ``` Here is the error message:...
当连接池内的服务器连续多次调用出现失败或者调用耗时超过某一设定值时 需要从池内将对应的thrift服务器移除并且提示使用者
see: Add a new instance id generated while server bootstrapping to help identify instances in a cluster environment. Add the `ComfyUI-instance-id` http header to make http api identifiable in...
When using the ComfyUI API to process multiple images with multiple ComfyUI servers (imagine processing 100k images with 100 ComfyUI instances). It will face lots of challenges with the API. ...
hi 有没有相关性能测试报告
能否提供与同类竞品的优缺点对比 如dubbo、spring cloud等 包括架构、实现方式等
AWS Bedrock Cohere Command R release link: Cohere Command R model request and response body format is different than Cohere, so I create a new `BedrockCohereCommandRChatClient` client. Here is...
This PR closes: When Bedrock invokes model API, Bedrock will return input, output token count, and latency information from the `SDKHttpResponse` header. extract this information as `ChatResponseMetadata` to `ChatResponse`