
Results 7 comments of maximryzhov

> any updates? > > I'v found the `stdFolder` option in `LuaLanguageServer.kt`, but it does not work: You need to specify it as a URI, e.g. ``` "stdFolder": "file:///C:/EmmyLua-LanguageServer/res/std" ```

Last 3 days I've been implementing OpenAL EFX extension support in Panda3D audio manager. The main idea is to retain compatibility with FMOD, so that the user would get close...

@Moguri I am currently working on it. I've encountered a bug in my implementation. Or in Panda3D, or in OpenAL, I can't tell now. When using OpenAL from C++ on...

> OpenAL doesn't have dry/wet? That's rather odd. OpenAL effects don't have dry/wet parameters. The level of signal being sent to the effect slot can be set. The dry level...

More info: in my Obsidian vault, I have 119 documents. However, the console.log says: ``` [PAPA] Loaded 1402 documents from Obsidian ``` Which is incorrect. For the test I've created...

More info: after trial and error, I learned that the "TimeoutError" issue occurs only if I have Markdown files with embedded images (using the data:image tag) indexed.

> I think document number isn't a sign at all. From their explanation of how this works, documents are like chunked versions of your notes. > > Try taking that...