Max Hoffmann

Results 9 issues of Max Hoffmann

**Describe the bug** When I override the default theme or try to add a new one, it doesn’t affect `gitui`’s theme. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Install...

help wanted

## Description When I try Kirby 4’s new keyboard shortcuts in the block field, most of them don’t work and documentation is inaccurate. **Expected behavior** Pressing the keyboard shortcuts listed...

type: regression 🚨

Currently the poster cover image of the podcast is not required in the panel, but not adding an image breaks the Podlove player snippet. I’d suggest to keep the poster...

Currently using Umlaute in chapter titles show up as encoded characters. The reasons for this seems to be that the titles are passed into `Xml::encode`, which is a security measurement....


This changes the Podlove player snippet, so that the subscribe button is hidden if no clients have been added.

In the docs for `nth` it says: > For collections which are not sequential like sets and hash-map, the collection will be coerced into a sequence first. When I tested...

In the readme it says: > All Mori collections support ES6 iteration via foo[Symbol.iterator] or foo["@@iterator"]. `Array.from(mori.vector(1,2,3))` does not work though. Is there any documentation about this?

The main file exported by `package.json` is a `.jsx` file. This means only projects that have setup JSX can use it. It should export an unminified js version of the...

Hey there, I’ve noticed that using this extension together with the tailwind nova extension, autocompletions stop whenever a `-` is entered. In HTML files autocompletions are suggested correctly no matter...