Maxime Helias

Results 81 comments of Maxime Helias

If you want, you can redirect your PR to this repo : We would be happy to merge this :)

You have also a error on this line for Sf < 3.0 : But I think we can drop the support up to version 3.4

You can use [league/flysystem-sftp-v3](

You can use

A work has already been started here:

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We have added a note to recommend the 2.10+ version

I don't have a Window ready to reproduce the case. Can you check that the configuration of docker for window is correct ? It looks like a permission issue to...

The `.dockerignore` file is there to optimize the ADD or COPY command during the build ( The `bin/console` file is retrieved when creating the symfony skeleton in the build process...

And the mounted volume here : recover the creation that was done on the container during the build on the local machine