Max Ekman

Results 135 comments of Max Ekman

Great find @totemcaf! I have not experienced any problems with this, but as you state the natural sort order should not be trusted. I wounded about the performance implications for...

Thanks for reporting! If you can provide a PR with a fix I would be happy to merge it.

Would be really useful, but I don’t have the time myself. If anyone in the community would like to contribute an example using best practices for the chosen web framework...

It has only happened for me on the new MBA M1, never on my previous Intel MBP (using the release versions). On the M1 I opted for building myself to...

I'll try to run the v0.7.2 for a while, I think that's what I used before. Also worth noting is that I had an external monitor plugged in at times....

I have just confirmed a crash with a manual Apple Silicon build of v0.7.2 without external monitor.

Now it's macOS 11.2.3. I have actually updated since I opened the issue, I notice it says 11.2.2 in the original post.

I’ll give it a try in x86 mode!

I have not had time to test the x86 version. For now I just build master every week or two weeks and keep running it as I always do (split...

FYI: I have kept building the master version of Alacritty every two weeks and using that build in between in my daily work. Crashes every day still. I'll keep you...