Max Deepfield
Max Deepfield
reading "about 90 lines explaining how to populate the database" is not very hard task if these lines exists and will work. any progress on this?
Anyway, osmosis --write-apidb works fine with geofabrik extracts, after import I can see and edit data, then get the result via osmosis --read-apidb-current, what with --write-pbf gives new dataset. Also...
I mean make simple option "Check for new version" somewhere in user interface, maybe in Settings dialog, but this requires some cloud/server response and/or links to new version download page....
Sad, but I failed to do anything in VS2015 as main developer commented.
Additional translate things - "Settings" dialog title and "OK", "Cancel", "Apply" buttons also wants to be translated :)
> In Javascript, register the callback function in the OnActorBeginOverlap delegate. can you provide simple example, please?
any plans about this feature development?
> Why would you use this on windows? Windows have a perfectly application Starting february 2018 official skype desktop app is automatically deleted on Windows 10 machines, they say we...
already posted on ghetto-skype page, sorry 11 мар. 2018 г. 1:38 пользователь "Marcelo Camargo" < [email protected]> написал: > @Kuchiriel do you believe it is time to > resurrect the project?...
web skype also have problems with message delivery. think Windows support can be closed as ANY skype related projects.