Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate you taken the time. I'm inclined to agree with you on most points @dougwilson. This would actually be a big change, and should be...
Just as an FYI for anyone having this issue. If you put your zip file in a s3 bucket you shouldn't face this problem. But remember to use the `aws_s3_bucket_object.lambda_zip.content_base64`...
GOOD NEWS solved the issue, just add the following line in your qrscanner.js video.setAttribute('autoplay','');
I think it is best to mirror the behaviour of the `brew` command, which I think would mean "Nothing unless there are errors" as you say. Though, that aside, just...
@MikeMcQuaid Sure. It'll probably be a few weeks before I can get to it, but a good opportunity to refresh my ruby skills. Watch this space 🙂