Max Bowsher

Results 80 comments of Max Bowsher

> I wonder if adding the `ExistenceCheck` functions for any path specifying a create operation would be the better way to go here? That change would more than likely affect...

> Instead of testing for invalid path configurations, we could enforce the `ExistenceCheck` be specified for any paths having a create operation. I don't follow ... I'm already enforcing that...

I've added the subtests, and responded on why I think it is appropriate to use panic here.

Would anyone from HashiCorp be able to assist with getting merged? That is the last of the 9 prerequisite PRs that is not yet merged.

This PR is currently waiting for the version of vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes in Vault to be upgraded to v0.4.0 or later.

Hi @benashz , @cipherboy , Thank you for reviewing this PR in the past. All the related changes have finally made it through the journey of being merged into plugin...

Ah, this has eluded the regular testing since it is not compiled unless a build constraint is set. Updated.

Hi @benashz , @ncabatoff , Would one (or both!) of you be able to respond to the open question in the thread above , which is AFAIK the only thing...

These are the regexes that are currently being misinterpreted: ``` `crl(/pem|/delta(/pem)?)?` # pathFetchCRL "issuer/" + framework.GenericNameRegex(issuerRefParam) + "(/der|/pem|/json)?" # pathGetIssuer "issuer/" + framework.GenericNameRegex(issuerRefParam) + "/crl(/pem|/der|/delta(/pem|/der)?)?" # pathGetIssuerCRL "keys/generate/(internal|exported|kms)" # pathGenerateKey...

Further investigation shows that the following regexes are also being misinterpreted - they just result in paths which are less obviously wrong than the other group: ``` "issuers/import/(cert|bundle)" # pathImportIssuer...