Adam Miller

Results 47 comments of Adam Miller

> See [76467]( for some details particularly my last comment which is related. > > The issue here with installing module seems to be that `dnf` doesn't honor the `best`...

@nullr0ute do you think should be an extension of the `dnf` module or be a net new module similar to the [`yum_repository`]( module? I'm leaning towards net new module but...

@NerdsvilleCEO that would be amazing, I would greatly appreciate it! I'm happy to help along the way as well if you need anything. I'm always in `#ansible` on ``. My...

Hey everyone, just checking in. This hasn't been forgotten but unfortunately it's not something I've had the cycles to get around to implementing. If anyone would like to submit a...

For clarification, the issue isn't the quotes inside but the surrounding `{}`, the following block var works: ```yml foo_block: | {% for i in a_list_of_strings %} '{{ i }}', {%...

@wgwoods are there any challenges that might prevent Ansible from being used for the build-time/pre-boot tasks? If so, I'm curious what they are and hopefully there are ways an Ansible...

Please re-add integration test cases, and then I see no reason to not merge. Thank you!

Hello! Thank you for the bug report. Using Ansible version 2.9.13 with the `ansible.posix` collection version 1.1.1 I'm not able to reproduce this issue, is there any more information that...

What distro and release is the controller as well as the remote hosts in the inventory? needs_info