Maximilian Roos

Results 502 comments of Maximilian Roos

For sure in this specific case there's no need, and I agree it's not important. It can be useful on the margin when debugging, or copying code from elsewhere. I...

FWIW I've been using this branch for Advent of Code these past few days, where there's a decent amount of parsing and general transformations. I like it a lot, as...

FWIW this just appeared on my notifications; it looks like the same design!

That looks really good. I'd be more than happy to test it over the next few days. > I even thought about transforming any `do` syntax without a closure argument,...

Now that Looks have been 'upgraded' to first-class citizens, is there even a reason to support dashboards? Because we now have a bunch of Dashboards that have one Look and...

Thanks for the reply. But how is choosing which filters to expose through a Dashboard substantially different from through a Look?

Ah yes that makes sense. Though if there were some way of navigating around that, it would mean we weren't creating separate dashboards for Looker only

Should we adjust the airflow logging to also log to stdout? I'm not sure about this, and python logging configs combined with airflow configs is not the easiest duo. But...

One puzzle was why logs go to stdout with `airflow run` or `airflow test`, but not when run by a worker. I think that's because of and

(edited from previous) This is my latest attempt: Weirdly when I set `AIRFLOW__CORE__LOGGING_CONFIG_CLASS: "airflow_local_settings.K8S_LOGGING_CONFIG"`, I get pods using up so much memory that they're evicted en masse. I wasn't...