Max Schaefer
Max Schaefer
* What problem are you trying to solve? In my Nexus instance’s maven repository I’ve got these kind of artifacts: 1. <groupId>a</groupId> <artifactId>b</artifactId> 2. <groupId>a.b</groupId> <artifactId>c</artifactId> When I delete via...
my project's parent pom is set to ``` org.codehaus.mojo mojo-parent 70 ``` When I invoke mvn versions:update-parent -DallowDowngrade=false -DparentVersion=[,79-!) ``` [INFO] --- versions:2.16.2:update-parent (default-cli) @ test-update-parent --- [INFO] Updating parent...
In my git hosted maven project I run exec-maven-plugin like this: mvn -N org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:exec -Dexec.executable=git -Dexec.args="submodule status" However, that fails with: 13:26:07 [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:exec (default-cli) @ zzzoci-1 --- 13:26:07...