Facing the same issue on android.
Is there any solution? Facing the same issue here
I am facing the same issue here.
I was on an older version of **react-native 0.66.5** I realized that PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.POST_NOTIFICATIONS is not exported in this react-native version so I added this manually like this. ``` PermissionsAndroid.check('android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS').then( async...
Still facing the same issue.
Facing same issue
I resolved the issue like this. ``` const newConnection = new ewelink({ email: '******', password: '******', region: 'as', APP_ID: 'Uw83EKZFxdif7XFXEsrpduz5YyjP7nTl', APP_SECRET: 'mXLOjea0woSMvK9gw7Fjsy7YlFO4iSu6' }); const devices = await newConnection.getDevices();
> Thank you for the very clear explanation, is anyone aware of a patch for the AuthN function? The Node-Red module for SonOff devices depends on it. What exactly do...